Poon Sau  
"Sticky Arms"


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section


1. Section


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section


Ready medio 2020


" 1." Attack

Comming up


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

Fook /  Wu

   " 0. Attack " / Poon Sau  -  Fook /  Wu

4.C.1 - Fook Wu Sau:

From IRAS - A and B from diagonal contact.

A attacks with Dar, B reacts with Fook Wu and Short Step, and "takes over" A's position.


" 0." Attack

4.C.2 - Poon Sau - 0. Attack (Fook):

A from Double Outside / Closing positions - Fook /Jam Sau (Neutral) and Bong Sau.
B from Double Inside / Splitting positions - Chaan /Taan Sau (Neutral) and Inside Fook Sau.

A attacks with Fook (0. Attack) and lowers Bong elbow forward to Chaan /Taan, B deflects by Bong, A's fook (to an inside Fook), and lowers Inside Fook wrist forward to Fook /Jam.
Repeat the sequence - Now B attacks with Fook


5.C.1 - 1. Attack (Chaan):

From basic Poon Sau (4.C.2)

A attacks with Fook (0. Attack) while rotating forward, and lowers Bong elbow forward to Chaan /Taan. A's Fook stops due to B's Bong and converts into "high" Pei Jarn, releasing A's Chaan and following Short Step.


" 1." Attack

5.C.2 - Jam / Laan Defense:

From basic Poon Sau (4.C.2)

To avoid the above 1. Attack, B lowers Inside Fook Towards Fook, however due to Chaan pressure receives with Jam, while rotating/maintainting Center Control and performing Short Step. Other arm converts from Bong to Laan in order to avoid double Outside/Closing positions during rotation.

5.C.3 - Advanced - 1. Attack (Chaan):

From basic Poon Sau (4.C.2)

When detecting B's beginning Jam/Laan defense, A maintains Chaan /Taan structure and rotates/maintains Center Control with following release of "Advanced" 1. Attack (Chaan) prior to landing.

5.C.4 - Pei Jarn Defense:

From basic Poon Sau (4.C.2)

If A's Chaan forces Jam to the outside during the above Advanced 1. Attack, B rotates into Pei Jarn/Chaan and Long Step either forward (Chasing) or backwards depending on the pressure.

Comming up


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

2. Attack


6.C.1 - 2. Attack (Inside Pak):

From basic Poon Sau (4.C.2)

A attacks with Fook (0. Attack) while rotating forward, however meets resistance and converts Fook into Inside Pak against B's Inside Fook releasing Chaan and Short Step.

Comming up


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

Fook /  Wu Defense

6.C.2 - Fook/Wu Defense:

From basic Poon Sau (4.C.2)

Against A's 2. Attack, B lowers Inside Fook into Fook while rotating forward, creating room for Noi Bong to release into Wu, and with following Short Step.

Comming up


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

Bong /  Wu Defense

6.C.3 - Bong to Fook/Wu Defense:

From basic Poon Sau (4.C.2)

If pressure from A's Inside Pak collapses B's Inside Fook, B's Taan converts into "thrusting" Bong (Biu) during forward rotation, creating room for a rapid lowering of the Bong elbow into Fook attack and Wu, followed by Short Step.

Comming up


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

Gam /  Dar

6.C.4 - Gam Dar (Chaan):

From basic Poon Sau (4.C.2)

If opponents Bong stiffens or lifts (rather than being forward) during Poon Sau, execute Gam into the opponent's Core line while rotating forward, to release Chaan via "trapped" Noi Bong, followed by Short Step.

Comming up


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

Pei Jarn /  Chaan Defense

6.C.5 - "1. Attack " Defense:

From basic Poon Sau (4.C.2)

If A's Gam execution is too cloce to B's "Bong elbow", B lowers elbow forward into 1. Attack (5.C.1) while rotating forward ending with Short Step

Comming up


7 Joints Structure - Siu Nim Tau 1.Section

Bong /  Wu Defense

6.C.6 - Bong to Fook/Wu Defense:

From basic Poon Sau (4.C.2)

If A's Gam execution is across the Attacking Line towards B's "Bong wrist", B Continues Bong (Biu) rotation, creating room for both lowering the Bong elbow into Fook attack and Wu, followed by Short Step.

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